A Universal Time Roblox Wiki

"He who fully controls the Arrow... will control the world!" -Jean Pierre Polnareff (Jan Piēru Porunarefu, ジャン・ピエール・ポルナレフ)

The Arrow is a E tier item in A Universal Time that spawns every 30 seconds guaranteed and despawn every 240 seconds even in your inventory unless bought from the shop this will always be obtainable.


If a player is Standless and is stabbed by the arrow, they will be granted with:

The Common stands have a 70% chance of being obtained. They are as followed:

The Rare stands have a 30% chance of being obtained. They are as followed:

arrow is the best item(for starters and for pros) way better than celebration diary yes


The Arrow can be bought at the Shop for $1,000 and can be sold at the Black Market for $300.
