A Universal Time Roblox Wiki


Hollow (Boss) is an entity that is only available temporarily during the Halloween Event.


Hollow is a boss who appeared the AUT Halloween Update. It has 100% Health, same as DIO’s Health, but the health bar will decrease a bit slower then DIO’s. You need to do a minimum of 100 damage to him to get rewarded. His former health was 1,500, though it has been decreased to 1,000.


5% - Pumpkin

5% - Any of the 5 skins

90% - Nothing

Spawning and animation

The Hollow boss can only be summoned by with a Cursed Orb at an altar. Unlike Umbra, it does not need a "Tales Of The Universe" too.

Hollow spawns by rising from the ground and flying into the air, a white streak forming behind him as he flies up. After a short while, he lands on his feet.

Appearance (WIP)

Hollow is much larger than an average R6 Robloxian, as shown in the gallery below. Hollow wears a skull on his head and sports black armor with gold indents, along with a black cape that has yellow outlines. Held in his right hand is a large scythe with two golden spikes at each end and a metal blade with dark gray areas on top of and in the back of the scythe blade.



  • Hollow is the third boss to be added into The New Universe, the second boss being Umbra, and the first boss being DIO (Boss). (DIO boss was always in A Universal Time).
  • There is also a pity system for the drops of this boss where if you dont get anything after 5 times, you are guaranteed to get a drop.

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